
pogo shoes

pogo shoes

I had a dream about a device just like this years ago. The future, people!

Supplemental Media

I was reading this article at Gizmodo about the new Johnny Cash graphic novel iPad app and this bit caught

Cybertecture Mirror

Cyber Mirror On the Wall

This seems like the perfect tool for a HealthVault enabled world. The bathroom is already a place where you’re thinking about your

HTC HD7 kickstand

HTC HD7 kickstand design seems to solve the problem of the exposed and unprotected camera lens of the Evo –

When Good Apps Go Bad

If you’re writing software we’re being trained to treat as omnipotent, the margin for error is quickly diminishing. Joel Johnson

Zune Mixview

Interesting: the first concept (where they are presenting works that are referenced-in and referencing the title in question) reminds me