My Halloween costume started with some word play: Han Solo + Solo cups. The most practical form for this in costume was to make Han Solo’s blaster out of red Solo cups.
Prior Art
With this idea of Han Solo and Solo cups, I did some research. A few people had actually done cosplay around this concept.

Credits: DragonCon 2013 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], pinterest, DragonCon 2015 [1, 2], Zenkaikon, greyloch, huffpost, punny costumes, costumeyeti, Salt Lake FanX 2019, kylebrandt, DragonCon 2022
Seeing these all costumes with roughly the same giant cup idea I thought that it would be too awkward to wear in the office, and I didn’t love the over-the-body thing with my Frylock costume. Also, I was in the crafting mood. Looking at the pieces of a normal Han Solo costume, I saw the blaster and the muzzle reminded me of the shot glass sized solo cup.

Starting with a toy squirt gun I had on hand, I wrapped it with red duct tape to get a good base that would match the look of the cups. Looking at some schematics, I took red Solo cups of various sizes and cut them apart to make all the detail parts on the outside. I constructed the scope and used strong rare-earth neodymium magnets to attach it securely. Of course, I used the shot class one for the muzzle.